Design Brief
Exercise at heritage and museum - Warm Up
Not just to increase new webpage views on the NHB website but also to make more traffic movement during this Circuit Breaker period. To make it the easiest for the user, these exercise techniques will need only 3 steps of learning.
This idea could make a positive impact on people and communities who care about our minds, cultures, traditions, history, and health on heritage and museum. And yet, it could also help you learn a technique of your body movement that benefits the people long hours at the desk and stay at home period. Example 3 steps learning: 1) ‘Wake up body exercise’, 2) ‘Stretching before walk’ and 3) ‘Back pain release’.
Never seen before at heritage and museum do exercise while relating to the understanding behind the story of the art. This digital content on the NHB website is easy to deliver which will be doing a tour at Museum with some exercise. Here is reference link website:
During the Covid-19 period, all family members should have benefits and be educated. Singapore is home to a rich historic country and this more cost-effective, functional way to share a message with the public.
It was a great opportunity to work with heritage and museum teams. It may get deep understand the vision and mission of the National Heritage Board Singapore. I will come out with a series of Illustration drawing samples to guide the readers on how to practices exercises.